(8/24-8/27) Arrival
Hi. I don't really know how to do a blog so there may be some problems with the website. I'll try to fix them. Thanks for reading. The plane rides felt a little odd because I was not with anyone I knew for the first time, but it was not uncomfortable. I pretty much slept through the whole thing. I was a little scared when they delayed my flight from Paris to Prague because they did not tell us until what felt like the last minute, and there was no formal terminal. We were just loaded onto a bus that drove to the plane on the runway. I met my first host family. They are a family of four, but Julie, the daughter, will go on exchange to Taiwan tomorrow. Alan, the son, was gone because he was in Manchester as a camp counselor. They are very nice and will help me with my Czech as long as I help them with their English. They like to travel a lot, and also do a lot of biking and competitive orienteering. We drove to ...