(8/28-9/8) Orienteering and School

Hello again, I definitely shouldn't have waited so long to post again. I think it will be better to post weekly, even if the post is on the shorter side. Email me at akmancub@gmail.com if you want to see/hear more of something or have any questions in case there's a slower week. On Monday we went to Vienna because Julie's exchange flight to Taiwan was at the airport. When we drove to Austria I didn't notice much change in scenery apart from the signs being in German. After we said goodbye to Julie we did some sightseeing and went to an art museum. I like the museums here because Alaska's museum options are extremely limited. Alan and I mostly just hung around for the rest of the week. He had an orienteering competition coming up on the weekend. The plan was for me to eventually start competing as well, so he introduced me to how to read the map symbols and the "goal cards" that are used in the competitions. We went for a practice run in the town,...