(12/24 - 1/24) Winter Break Plus January
Sorry for being very late on this post. I finally got around to posting again so it wouldn't be an entire month after Christmas. The post is still going to be mostly focused around winter break, though, because it is certainly a lot more interesting than school. One big difference between Christmas in America and in the Czech Republic is that most of the traditions take place on Christmas Eve. We had carp for dinner. It was actually not that bad apart from the bones. We then did something called molybdomancy (I had to google the name). It's a form of fortune telling where you pour molten lead into water and get a fortune from the shape it makes. Mine kind of ended up looking like a bean with a tail or something, I really don't know. We spend Christmas day visiting family. One thing I did not expect to see was a t34/85 tank next to the highway. We drove past it, so I wasn't able to get a picture, but it was certainly a surprise. We s...