(12/24 - 1/24) Winter Break Plus January

     Sorry for being very late on this post. I finally got around to posting again so it wouldn't be an entire month after Christmas. The post is still going to be mostly focused around winter break, though, because it is certainly a lot more interesting than school.

    One big difference between Christmas in America and in the Czech Republic is that most of the traditions take place on Christmas Eve. We had carp for dinner. It was actually not that bad apart from the bones. We then did something called molybdomancy (I had to google the name). It's a form of fortune telling where you pour molten lead into water and get a fortune from the shape it makes. Mine kind of ended up looking like a bean with a tail or something, I really don't know.

    We spend Christmas day visiting family. One thing I did not expect to see was a t34/85 tank next to the highway. We drove past it, so I wasn't able to get a picture, but it was certainly a surprise. We spent most of the day inside because it was raining and windy outside. maybe about 10 degrees from a white Christmas. We did go for a quick walk to an observation tower, which was actually pretty cool.

    I spent new years at one of my friend's house in a village close to Jihlava. I was actually able to see fireworks because the landscape has fewer trees and building compared to in Anchorage. 

    My host family and I went on a cross country ski trip in Krkonoše, on the Polish border. It was a really nice area, and I would love to visit it again if given the opportunity. There were many trails and you could take a break for a Kofola (or a beer if you're an adult) at any of the many huts in the area. I love Kofola.

    We also went downhill skiing a couple times, although we enjoyed cross country skiing more due to the lack of people and waiting on the lift. We will go skiing more if the snow returns.

    I guess the rest of January has felt pretty typical. I have school now.  One thing I feel like sharing is the school lunches here. They cost 40 crowns, which is like $1.75, and they are big and taste good. Some of my classmates think that it isn't good, but I know that even the worst meals here would make the average Anchorage School District student jealous.

That's all I guess, thanks for reading.

Christmas dinner photo with the family.

My lead lump. Not sure what this year will bring me.

Patiently waiting for the lead melt.

I struggle to play the guitar on Christmas.

Some of the signs in Krkonoše. I just thought they looked cool.
More skiing in Krkonoše.

Example of school lunch. These pictures are probably some of the better looking meals, but even the worst here are better than what I am used to.

These ones aren't even lunch. They're literally dessert disguised as lunch. I don't know what else to say.


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