
Almost the End (6/28)

       I think this post will be quite short, as I do not have much time to write. It is getting really busy with the end of the school year as well as the end of my exchange. I am just glad that I am able to get a blog post in before I leave.     At the start of June I went to Křižanov for a rotary event, where we welcomed all of the district's future outbounds. I also spent time saying goodbye to the other inbounds, as that was the last time I would see them. The event itself was much more enjoyable than the previous ones.     Two weeks ago I went to Prague to visit some museums withYannick, an inbound that I am friends with. We visited the Aviation Museum in Kbely and also the Army Museum in Žižkov because neither of us had been to those 2. We had a blast, and I was surprised at how much time we spent at just those 2 museums. I thought the Army one in particular was very good. I would love to spend more time in Prague to visit museums when I come back with my family.      Last w

(5/23) Family trip and more Spring.

          I have not posted in a long while, maybe this is the new record for longest time without posting. The exchange is really going by quickly, and I am a little sad knowing that my exchange is approaching its end, even though I still have over a month left. This past month especially has been a complete blur. I can't believe it's may already! Anyways, I have enough to write about since I should have posted a month or so ago but didn't.        My host family and I went to Taiwan to visit my host sister while she was on exchange (She's back now!). There was a large earthquake only a couple of days before we left so there were some concerns, but it turned out fine. We didn't see any damages, though we did not visit close to the epicenter, and when we asked people in Taipei what it is like now, they said everything is fine apart from like 6 buildings, which is hardly anything for a city of that size.     We spent the first few days near Sun Moon Lake, which is alm

(4/3) Skiing, Easter, and More

      It has been a long time (over a month) since I last posted. At least I now have enough things to talk about. The weather has really changed since my last post, as it is now getting into the 60s during the day, and the sun seems to be out more. My weak Alaskan body will melt soon. On the plus side, it is nice to no longer need a coat during the day.     Pretty much right after my last post I went on a skiing trip with my class in the Krkonoše mountains. Fortunately, there was still snow, so we were able to spend a lot of time cross country and downhill skiing. I now feel somewhat confident in my downhill skiing abilities, though I still prefer cross country skis. When we were not skiing there was plenty of time to just hang out with classmates, which I liked.     After that we had a couple of "open" weekends (by open I just mean we didn't plan anything in advance), so we went on a few day/weekend trips. We went on a weekend bike trip to nearby Nové Město Na Moravě, a

(1/26) Rotary meeting and spring vacation

      Hello again,      I recently met a couple milestones in my exchange. Firstly, I have now lived in the Czech Republic for over 5 months, which makes me about halfway through my exchange! While I am a little sad about how quickly it has gone by, I am also quite proud of how far I have come. I feel more confident in my day-to-day life, and while I still view myself as the somewhat touristy foreign exchange student, I don't think I stick out as much as I did in September and October.     Secondly, this post marks a year since my initial acceptance into Rotary Youth Exchange, as well as my country reveal! I remember being so excited in January of last year, when I received the phone call saying I was going to go somewhere, and I was even more excited in February, when I found out I would be going to the Czech Republic. If 12 (or even 15) year old me was asked what my life would be like by time I turn 17, he would not believe a single word. I have really enjoyed my stay here so far

(12/24 - 1/24) Winter Break Plus January

       Sorry for being very late on this post. I finally got around to posting again so it wouldn't be an entire month after Christmas. The post is still going to be mostly focused around winter break, though, because it is certainly a lot more interesting than school.     One big difference between Christmas in America and in the Czech Republic is that most of the traditions take place on Christmas Eve. We had carp for dinner. It was actually not that bad apart from the bones. We then did something called molybdomancy (I had to google the name). It's a form of fortune telling where you pour molten lead into water and get a fortune from the shape it makes. Mine kind of ended up looking like a bean with a tail or something, I really don't know.     We spend Christmas day visiting family. One thing I did not expect to see was a t34/85 tank next to the highway. We drove past it, so I wasn't able to get a picture, but it was certainly a surprise. We spent most of the day in

(11/27-12/23) Return of Rain...?

       Welp. The snow melted. Yesterday was 39 degrees Fahrenheit, and raining. There was still green grass in some places, and it looks almost identical to October, but now without leaves. We still enjoyed the snow for the week and half that we had it, though. I went cross country skiing with my host family whenever we could, and it was a blast. The trails are short (5 kilometer) unlit circuits on what I think may be golf courses. The whole area is relatively flat compared to Anchorage, but there are still many gentle hills (for those who live in Anchorage, it's like the Mize loop in Kincaid). I am still afraid of the nonexistent moose in the woods. The deer here are smaller than most dogs and I usually mistake them for rabbits whenever they spring out of the woods.       One cool thing I did with my class was making an igloo after school. It was organized by our class teacher, who teaches biology and physics. He was the only person who knew how to position the blocks of snow so t

(11/11 - 11/26) SNOW!!!

      This post is quite short, mostly because I have not been taking many photos. While I totally want to blame it on being in the moment and always being busy with something, I will try my best to take a bunch of photos, especially with the holidays coming up. I also said I would post again before December in my last blog post, so this is also so past me can save face. I will almost certainly post twice in December, as I can kind of feel things picking up (yet again another promise that I might end up breaking).     School has once again been mostly the same. The math teacher finally realized that I am not Czech. Other than that nothing much happens in school. I did sign up for a school floorball tournament in December. I have never played floorball before, so I am really hoping my classmates can carry the team to victory. I will tell you all how it goes next month.     I have still been going to orienteering practices, though the races have ended with the cold weather. The team I am